• 4 апреля 2019, четверг
  • Москва

International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) 2019

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Факультет компьютерных наук НИУ ВШЭ
1854 дня назад
4 апреля 2019, начало в 10:00

The HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex with the support of Sberbank are to organize the 2nd International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO). The Olympiad is held by leading experts in data analysis for their future colleagues and aims to bring together analysts, scientists, professionals, and junior researchers.

Higher School of Economics and Yandex are proud to announce an olympiad created by and for data analysts.

Bringing the world of Data Competitions to the grand stage for people in all walks of life, be they PhD holders, company teams, students or new data scientists, the event is open to all teams and individuals alike.

The event aims to bridge the gap between the all-increasing complexity of Machine Learning models and performance bottlenecks of the industry. The participants will strive not only to maximize the quality of their predictions, but also to devise resource-efficient algorithms.

This will be a team machine learning competition, divided into two stages. The first stage will be online, open to all participants. The second stage will be the offline on-site finals, in which the top 30 performing teams from the online round will compete at the Yandex office in Moscow.

To take part in the Olympiad, each team participant must register. Each team consists of 1-3 members.

Online Round: Jan 15 — Feb 11, 2019
On-Site Final: Apr 4-6, 2019

More information: https://idao.world/ 


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