• 26 ноября 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Кочновский пр-д, 3

Worldwide Conversation on Women’s Higher Education and Equality in the Workplace

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Факультет компьютерных наук НИУ ВШЭ
1983 дня назад
26 ноября 2018, начало в 18:30
Кочновский пр-д, 3

Faculty of Computer Science is hosting the event which forms part of the University of London’s Leading Women campaign.

On November 26, 2018, the Faculty of Computer Science will hold a joint event with the University of London – “Worldwide Conversation on Women’s Higher Education and Equality in the Workplace”. We have invited female leaders from the sphere of education, science and technology who will share their vision of gender equality and the how things stand in their respective fields in Russia.

Faculty of Computer Science is hosting the event which forms part of the University of London’s Leading Women campaign. This campaign celebrates 150 years since the University opened up its ‘Special Examinations for Women’, the first university-level examinations offered for women in the UK. This step led, ten years later, to the University of London becoming the first in the UK to open up full degrees for women. It now delivers study programmes for independent learners and those at local teaching institutions to 50,000 students in 180 countries across the world.
This launch event at the Higher School of Economics will be part of a series of events, hosted by the University of London’s teaching institutions around the world, including Kosovo, Turkey, Singapore, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, Peru, and Pakistan. These international ‘conversations’ focus on in-country issues surrounding gender inequality in higher education and the workplace.The result of this ‘worldwide conversation’ in Moscow will form part of a publication capturing all these ‘conversations’ from around the world.The London ‘conversation’ took place on September 19 and focused on two key questions concerning women, empowerment and university education.

Time: November 26, 2018, 18:30 
Place: 3 Kochnovsky Proezd (room 509)


Anastasia Khrisanfova

HR Operation Lamoda, founder of the HRDome professional community

Maria Yudkevich

Vice Rector

She will talk about career in education and gender equality in education around the world and the opportunities, that Higher education can give us

Tamara Voznesenskaya

First Deputy Dean

Opening speech about tradition of this event (it is carried out already for the fifth time), why we do the event this time with LSE, about a gender situation on FCS and in Russia in general 

Maria Poptsova

Laboratory Head

Maria will speak about woman in science, women in bioinformatics. Their contribution to bioinformatics differs in nothing from a contribution of men. They were marked out. In this sense, not very well, what gender is. Also Maria will tell us about her experience of working and studiing in USA 

Natalia Koliadina

Manager: International College of Economics and Finance

Natalia will talk about differences and similarities in education in Russia and Great Britain 

Olga Titova

Product owner, Mobile SDK at Abbyy

Arkaja Chakraverty

Assistant Professor:International College of Economics and Finance

Arkaja will discuss her views on international mobility in the area of Finance 

Michal Rosenwald

1st year student of the master program "Analysis of Data in Biology and Medicine"

Topic ‘My path in the IT world and why top companies support diversity?’ 


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